Please Note:
Parking instructions vary depending on the type of event, season, time of day, and other events occurring in the vicinity. Be sure to visit the page for your specific event to make sure that you have the most accurate parking information available.
UF’s Transportation and Parking Services has control of the parking lots surrounding the O’Connell Center every weekday from 7:30am – 4:30pm, visitors to any campus lot must obtain a temporary pass by contacting Transportation and Parking Services. Any exceptions will be listed on the Transportation and Parking Services website.
On a per event basis, parking restrictions may vary. Please click on the links below for general information and visit the individual event profiles for any additional event specific information:
General Event Parking Information
Please be aware that Gainesville city ordinances prohibit parking on unapproved “pay for use” residential properties, on roadways, or in unapproved spots and reserves the right to fine individuals violating this ordinance. Please utilize official parking lots authorized for this event and public transportation options.
Should you have any questions, please call Guest Relations at 352-392-5500.