Session IV – Friday, July 20 – Sunday, July 22
Per Camper Cost
- Resident (UF Housing): $315
- Commuter: $260
The High School Team Camp is designed for high school teams ONLY, not junior high. Team strategies as opposed to individual skills will be emphasized. Competition amongst other schools takes place during each session. Team camp concludes with an all-camp tournament.
To Attend Team Camp
- Have a minimum of 8 players and no more than 12 players from your team committed to attending Florida Volleyball Camp this summer.
- Be a high school team and attend camp with your high school coach.
- Have your coach send in team application and attach at least 8 player’s name and email address.
- Florida Volleyball Camp will contact each team member via email with registration information once your school is accepted. Each member of the team attending camp MUST complete our ONLINE by June 8th.
UAA Policy allows participation in overnight/resident camps only for campers entering 9th grade or higher for the 2018/2019 academic year.
Tentative Camp Schedule
July 20th: 2 PM – 10 PM
July 21st: 9 AM – 9:15 PM
July 22nd: 9 AM – 2 PM
To register and find out more information about the camp schedule, please visit .